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Ratio of the Fourier Amplitude Spectrum of horizontal (vectorial sum) and vertical components of ambient noise

Hits - 237

A point in the Earth (also called earthquake focus) where the rupture of the rocks initiates during an earthquake.

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Hypocentral Depth

The Hypocentral depth is the distance between the hypocenter and the epicenter of the earthquake (see Fault Distance).

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Hypocentral Distance

The distance between the site and the earthquake hypocenter.

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Hystorical seismicity

The historical record of ca. pre-XXth century earthquakes that have been parameterized in specific historical catalogues.

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Feature of the station indicating the type of basement of the recording instrument (i.e. Building floor, Pillar, Building basement and Buried).

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Instrument Code

A two character code that identify the general sampling rate and the response band of the instrument (1th letter)

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Instrumental seismicity

The recent and ongoing record of earthquakes that have occurred since the availability of modern-era seismometers (i.e. since the XXth century).

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Synonyms - instrumental seismicity

An event or process possibly detected by geological/geophysical tools and analyses that occurs between two significant earthquakes.

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Location Code

A zero-to-two alphanumeric code to identify the sensor location of a recording station

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Cut-off frequency [Hz] of the low-pass filter.

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Macroseismic Intensity

The macroseismic intensity classifies empirically the earthquake severity according to an ordinal scale of the effects produced by the ground shaking.


The earthquake magnitude measures the intensity of the seismic event, based on an appropriate processing of the seismic signal.

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Continuous ground motion constituting the background noise for any seismic measurement.

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Microzonation is the identification of separate individual areas having different potentials for hazardous earthquake effects.

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