Virtual Access for Engineering Seismology


European Archive of Historical EArthquake Data


European Database of Seismogenic Faults


Engineering Strong-Motion database

SERA project WP 20 - Access to data and services for engineering seismology (VA3)

The access to data and services for engineering seismology include the European Strong Motion Database (ESM), European Archive of Historical Earthquake Data (AHEAD), and the European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF). This work package will strengthen and coordinate its currently separated, and intrinsically diverse, services to provide optimized access to data and tools for the seismological and the engineering seismology communities. The plan is also, to extend the functionalities of the existing services and to provide experimental integrated services that enable the interaction among the three data sources.

A plugin for QGIS 3.x that relies on web services for loading seismological data

Precursor Projects

NERA logoNERA (2010-2014) was an EC infrastructure project that integrates key research infrastructures in Europe for monitoring earthquakes and assessing their hazard and risk.


Running in parallel, SERA and EPOS-IP will offer numerous opportunities to benefit from each other, especially regarding advancements in the data and products offered in EPOS through virtual and physical access.

An important achievement of SERA is to contribute to the enlargement of the seismic catalogue of EPOS by adding new components on earthquake engineering. In addition, SERA will design new services which could be beneficial to keep EPOS catalogue services up to date.

Further, SERA will validate virtual access to data and products from the EPOS seismology, near-fault observatories and anthropogenic hazards TCS (Thematic Core Services). For this, SERA will test EPOS’s services before their launch, assess their operational level and costs, and evaluate the return by the user and stakeholder communities.

These advancements request close collaboration between both projects, therefore EPOS and SERA project members will work together on the management and technical level. This guarantees that services developed, produced and tested within SERA will be compatible with the EPOS framework.

EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe.

EPOS EU logo

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia is the lead partner for SERA WP20 - VA3.
