Term | Definition |
Accelerometer | Instrument to measure seismic acceleration
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Active fault | An active fault is a fault that has slipped during the present seismotectonic regime and is therefore likely to have renewed displacement in the future.
Hits - 601 Synonyms -
active faults active fault |
Arias Intensity | A ground-motion parameter derived from an accelerogram and proportional to the integral of the acceleration squared over the entire signal duration.
Hits - 1975
Aseismic | An event or process detected by geological/geophysical tools and analyses that is apparently not accompanied by earthquake activity.
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Azimuth | In general a direction measured clock-wise in degrees against the North.
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Backazimuth | The direction from the seismic station towards a seismic source, usually measured in degrees clock-wise from North.
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Bandwidth | A range between high-pass and low-pass cut-off frequencies.
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Baseline Correction | Baseline correction is a procedure to correct certain types of long period disturbances on accelerometric signals
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Bedrock | Relatively hard
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Coseismic | An event or process detected by geological/geophysical tools and analyses that is directly associated with earthquake activity.
Hits - 637 Synonyms -
coseismic co-seismic Co-seismic |
Depth min and max | The depth range that includes the location of the causative (i.e. seismogenic) fault of an earthquake – either a particular one or an expected/forecasted one – within the crust (or below depending on cases).
Hits - 607 Synonyms -
min depth max depth |
Dip | Inclination of the fault plane from the Earth's surface (measured in degrees)
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Duration | Duration is defined as the time interval of the accelerometric signal in which the seismic motion is significant.
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EC8 site category | The seismic site classification is based on the stratigraphic and dynamic properties of the soil profile. Site classes are defined according to the Eurocode 8 as follows:
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Epicentral Distance | The epicentral distance is defined as the distance on the ground surface between the site and the earthquake epicenter.
Hits - 3333