Term | Definition |
RotD100 |
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RotD50 | Median value of the distribution of an intensity measures (e.g. PGA) of the rotated waveforms
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Sampling Interval | The Sampling Interval (Time Step) corresponds to the time step between two consecutive points of the record
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Seismic Array | An ordered arrangement of seismometers
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Seismic Moment | The magnitude of the component couple of the double couple that is the point force system equivalent to a fault slip in an isotropic elastic body. It is equal to rigidity times the fault slip integrated over the fault plane.
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Seismic Network | A seismic network indicates a set of recording instruments (short-period
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Seismic Sequence | The seismic sequence is a series of earthquakes which occur in the same region at close intervals of time.
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Seismogenic fault | The brittle tectonic element either causative of a particular seismic event/mainshock(s) of a given sequence or deemed potentially responsible for a future one.
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Seismogenic source seismogenic fault seismogenic source |
Time of first sample | To synchronize the record with respect to the Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) the time of first sample of the record is given
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Triggered Record (Late/Normally) | In a late triggered record, the recording instrument triggered after the arrival of the first seismic waves of significant amplitude.
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Type of Fault | The type of fault is defined according to the orientation (strike), the sense of slip (rake) and the inclination (dip) of the fault plane.
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Uncorrected Record | The uncorrected record (also called raw record) is the signal coming from the recording instrument after the analog-digital conversion and transformed by calibration factors to the proper measurement units.
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Vs profile | The Vs profile contains the information on the propagation velocity of shear (S) waves in the soil underneath or in the vicinity of an accelerometric station, as a function of depth.e vicinity of an accelerometric station.
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Vs30 profile | The Vs,30 is a suitable average measure of the shear (S) waves propagation velocity in the soil, within the first 30 meters of depth from the ground level.
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Waveform | The waveform is the visual form of the recorded time history of wave motion.
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