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Term Definition

The PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) denotes the maximum ground acceleration recorded during the seismic shaking by the three components of the seismic station.

Hits - 541

The PGD (Peak Ground Displacement) denotes the maximum ground displacement recorded during the seismic shaking by the three components of the seismic station.

Hits - 630

The PGV (Peak Ground Velocity) denotes the maximum ground velocity recorded during the seismic shaking by the three components of the seismic station.

Hits - 482
Proximity to Structure

Feature of the station indicating proximity to structures which could influence the seismic response of the soil (i.e. Free-field, Close to structure, No information, Inside structure, and Strcture related free-field)

Hits - 479
Pulse Azimuth

The bearing, relative to north, along which the double-sided pulse in the velocity trace is detected.

Hits - 495
Pulse Like

Waveform characterized by double-sided pulse in the velocity trace.

Hits - 472
