Term | Definition |
Rake | A parameter describing the slip direction on a fault, measured as an angle in the fault plane between the fault strike and the slip vector
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Recurrence interval | The average time span between two comparably large earthquakes on a particular seismogenic fault.
Hits - 353
Response Spectrum | The response spectrum provides the maximum response (in terms of relative displacement, relative velocity or absolute acceleration) of an harmonic single-degree-of-freedom (dof) oscillator, subject to an arbitrary accelerogram, as a function of the structural period Tn and of thedamping ratio ξ (usually a standard value equal to 5% of the critical damping is used, generally applicable to structures). The maximum amplitude of the response is obtained by integrating the equation of motion of the harmonic oscillator: where: y(t) is the relative displacement of the oscillator with respect to the ground, ä(t)is the absolute acceleration of the oscillator, and ωn is the oscillator natural circular frequency The following definitions are introduced: displacement spectrum (relative) velocity spectrum (relative) acceleration spectrum (absolute)
The pseudo-acceleration and pseudo-velocity spectra are also widely used in practice. They are defined as a function of the displacement spectrum as follows:
pseudo-acceleration spectrum:
pseudo-velocity spectrum:
The meaning of the acceleration response spectrum and the procedure for computing the spectral ordinates for selected periods on one of the ITACA records is illustrated in the following figure:
Example of construction of the acceleration response spectrum for the Gemona accelerogram (EW component, bottom) recorded during the Friuli earthquake, 15/09/1976, 03:15.
Hits - 539
RotD00 |
Hits - 311
RotD100 | Maximum value of the distribution of the intensity measures (e.g. PGA) of the rotated waveforms
Hits - 335
RotD50 | Median value of the distribution of an intensity measures (e.g. PGA) of the rotated waveforms
Hits - 301