Focal Mechanism

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Term Definition
Focal Mechanism

The focal mechanism represents the geometry of fault rupture during an earthquake (see Fault Plane).

The focal mechanism represents the geometry of fault rupture during an earthquake (see <a href="#Fault Plane"><i>Fault Plane</i></a>).

It is based on the polarity of the first arrivals of P and S waves recorded by a network of far-field seismic stations.

3 basic types of focal mechanisms are distinguished:

  • strike-slip fault: vertical fault plane and relative horizontal displacement of the two blocks divided by the fault;
  • reverse or thrust fault: the Earth’s crust is in extension along a dipping fault plane, with the hanging wall moving downwards relative to the footwall;
  • normal fault: the Earth’s crust is in compression along a dipping fault plane, with the hanging wall moving upwards relative to the footwall.

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